Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Rhubarb Rhubarb

Yesterday, after having been afraid to open my bedroom door in the morning (fearing Evil James would have stockpiled the UK's entire supply of rhubarb outside my room), I decided it was time to single-handedly conquer the rhubarb phobia. It only took me half an hour to manage to get some rhubarb into my basket at Sainsbury's (such a brave, brave girl) and then I spent a traumatic hour or so making an apple and rhubarb crumble. I still don't like it, I still think it's evil and I would never want to eat it ... but I can now at least be in the same room as a stick of rhubarb and not feel too anxious. Progress of a sort and one less thing with which people can now torment me).

What with all this phobia-banishing, I've forgotten to do any revision. But I'm sure if I explain to my Director of Studies why I haven't revised, he'll understand. After all, we've still got the script of the Shakespeare porn film to work on - these things don't write themselves. Busy, busy!


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