Monday, October 03, 2005

Playing at Being Grown-Ups

Well, we have finally moved into the flat. Compared to our old living quarters, it's huuuuuuge. We have space to run wild and free and, more importantly, to play hide and seek! We no longer have to share a single bed. We have more than one cupboard in the kitchen. People can no longer chav our food from a communal fridge. It's great. At the moment, however, we are unable to see the bedroom floor for all my clothes - there's just not enough storage space for all my needs - and my job today is to tidy it up so that we can allow the cleaner to come in without finding it too embarrassing. I've been putting the task off for many days now, even going to extremes such as getting very drunk on Saturday night so that I suffered a monstrous hangover all day yesterday and thus avoided the obligation to do any tidying whatsoever. And that's what this blog is really all about - procrastination!

But the procrastination ends here! Tomorrow I will put photos of our clean and tidy flat on here. I will, I will, I will...


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