Monday, April 04, 2005

Notalot to Report

The weekend didn't start too well, what with a rather brutal alien abduction on Friday night that left me dead to the world on Ryan's floor (and wearing his clothes - hmmm). Am still managing to do no revision whatsoever and the main displacement activity at the moment is cooking; I think we are all getting fatter by the day. Sophie came to stay, bringing with her the cupcakes of goodness and love (leaving us fatter still). Mum and Dad arrive this afternoon and will be here until Wednesday: they've never been to Cambridge before so are getting the usual two day tour which includes trips to the oldest colleges, Evensong at King's College Chapel, a trip to Ely and a walk to Grantchester for cakes, cakes and more cakes. So should be a big fat biffer in no time.

Cambridge is as pretty as a pretty place that has just won first place in a Pretty Place Competition: lots of blossom and spring flowers, and it is nearly time to sit by the river with a bottle of G and a bottle of T, watching the silly tourists fall off their punts. I keep thinking how pretty it must be at the chalet by now - am missing it but loving life here so much that I am not even a little bit homesick for Switzerland. But I'm putting a picture of Chalet Bob on here regardless...!


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