Wednesday, May 24, 2006

There are fellow sufferers out there...

Someone found their way to my blog yesterday by doing a Yahoo search on "rhubarb phobia". See? I'm not the only one, after all. I'm seriously considering starting a support group...


Blogger Martin said...

My friend Jenny won't allow anyone to use her rubber gloves - including her boyfriend - which means they have to have two pairs, with their initials written in pen at the cuff.

They started employing a cleaner about a year ago, who immediately started using her gloves. Rather than try to explain the problem (she's Polish (the cleaner, not Jenny)), she now keeps a set of gloves out for the cleaner and hides her own is a very special place.

I'm alergic to baked bean juice. If it touches me, I swell up like a balloon. Are you worried about the same thing happening to the potatoes?

6:57 PM  

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