Saturday, July 23, 2005

Little Shop of Horrors

My life in the retail sector continues to suck. It is just sooooo dull; clock-watching has become my new hobby (and I'm very good at it!). I'm almost ready to offer a full apology to the Diplomatic Service for whinging about being bored in my last job, because this is ten times worse - and all for the grand sum of £5 per hour!! Highlights of the day include: finding jackets on the rails that have zips left undone, and doing the zips back up; tucking in price labels that have been left out; my half hour lunch break (Boots' meal deals rock!); being allowed to use the steaming machine to get the creases out of clothes; and, of course, home time (when I can run wild and free without the fear of being told off by my 23 year old manager)! Sometimes I'm so bored that I go and have a pee even if I don't particularly need one - just to pass the time. This is what my life has come to! (And, Simon Harkin, don't ever follow my career path from Dip Service to retail sector - I got told off the other week for being 10 minutes late back from lunch. 10 minutes! I should have told him about that afternoon I can barely remember when we were over 3 hours late...)

There is a notice in our staff room that says: "You should all ask yourselves one question when you leave at the end of the day: 'What have I done today?'. If you can answer 'my best' then that's the most I can ask of you." I'm working for David Fucking Brent!


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