Sunday, June 05, 2005

40 years of wedded bliss...

I went home for the weekend to celebrate Mum and Dad's ruby wedding anniversary. 40 years - imagine (I can't)! We went for a boat trip from Orford on Friday afternoon, had dinner on the boat and probably made the poor people running the boat trips consider new career options. Mum lost Dad's hat as she got off the boat, and the poor - and obviously slightly mad - girl who had been helping with the catering decided to strip off and swim after it. Hat retrieved - girl left freezing cold and wet with no towel or change of clothes!

Mum and Dad then had a party on Saturday. I decided to go dressed appropriately - in Mum's wedding dress (attention seeker - moi?!). Then Saturday night was spent celebrating Megan and Sophie's birthday's. Quote of the evening: Richard: "Yes.. there are only about 7 or 8 people I'd actually like to kill...".

Now back within the safe confines of Wolfson. Home sweet home.


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