Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A phone call from Mummy

So, here I was at home minding my own business when the phone rang. It was my mum. Conversation goes like this:

[bring bring, bring bring!]

Me: Hello?

Mum: Do you ever think about smashing plates instead of doing the washing up?

Me: Yes, quite often... [I'm interrupted by triumphant whoops from Megan and Sophie in the background]

Mum: You're weird, all three of you. I give up.

I think: what I find weird is that there are people out there who don't consider this a viable alternative to doing the washing up. No hope for some people.


Blogger Murphy said...

From Mad Irish Julie:

I always feel like wrapping the plates up and putting them in the bin.
I've never actually thought of smashing them.

9:32 AM  

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