Saturday, February 11, 2006

Will says the most hurtful things!

Quote of the day today comes courtesy of Will: "Cambridge students are wankers!". When I questioned this philosophy, in light of the fact that he quite obviously adores me and I am in fact a Cambridge student, he said "Not you, sweetie, the undergraduates!". When I then pointed out that I was, in fact, an undergraduate too, he was stuck for words. I think he owes me rather a lot of chocolate now. Or a cake. Anyhoo, this to me serves as evidence that despite the fact that Will is Canadian, he has definitely become a townie. I propose a new towns verses gowns battle to be raged in the streets of Cambridge. I'm going to gather a posse together, wait outside Rohan, and duff him up big time.

Will - you have been warned!


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