Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Catching Up

Dear readers! All ten of you! I have neglected you of late. 'But why, dear, sweet Becky?' I hear you cry. Well, readers, it's because I've been forced to finish the first draft of my dissertation. I have been in the library buried beneath a pile of books and journal articles trying to make sense of the reaction of the Romantic poets to the Elgin marbles. The Keats part was particularly confusing as I have never read any of his poetry before, let alone had to wrestle with his ideas of beauty and the sublime nature of statuary and the mythology of Greece in his poetry. But it's all okay now. Sublime is fine. Disseratation draft has been handed in and I await constructive criticism tomorrow.

In the meantime, I think you should all join me in being Very Concerned for the Welfare of Thailand. Not because of the military coup or anything like that. But because Nicola Front Bottom and Mad Irish Julie are there on holiday. You see, my friend from school and my friend from my old diplomatic life in Switzerland are now friends with each other. I think it's simply lovely. James, however, is referring to it as an Unholy Alliance. We have both been scanning the pages of BBC world on the look-out for 'incidents' or some such like, but all seems quiet at the moment. We live in hope that they will return without inciting civil war, riots or mass hysteria. Hope is a wondrous thing.


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