Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Enough is Enough!

I finally enable comments, and this is what happens: comment after comment, lamenting the loss of Hugh?! See? You just can't be trusted, can you?

  • Nicola F-B: I'm sorry that visiting is such a chore these days, what with James providing you tea in bed and chips for breakfast to help cure your hangover. It must be terrible for you. No, really. I apologise profusely.
  • Julie: no, Hugh never did threaten to murder you. Which demonstrates a complete lack of interest, in my opinion. At least James is interested in my friends - look at all the effort he has put into getting you to open a lesbian coffee shop. Does that count for nothing?
  • And Sophie. I'll admit, Hugh did have a rather pleasant way of pronouncing the word 'potatoes' but he was a nightmare to live with, for reasons you well know, which would suggest that potato-pronunciation is not a good thing to base one's relationship on.
You are all VERY naughty girls. James has spanks for all of you. And if you don't watch it, tea and home-made chip privileges will be withdrawn. From you, not from me. I can have all the tea and chips I want. Because I'm a good girl.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurrah! A spanking!
I didn't really mean it was a chore to visit you and James. My hangovers are much less intense when I visit you two thanks to James buying me lemonade as opposed to Hugh giving me whisky instead of tea or water late at night.
Well done Becky!

9:49 AM  
Blogger Murphy said...

Well I hope you're all happy! James is now in the process of applying for a job in Queensland - I'm not saying he's doing it purely because he was hurt by your comments, but you have to question the timing, don't you?

10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm very fond of James, but like Julie I don't entirely trust him not to murder me in my sleep just to see the look on my face.

But perhaps that's part of his charm, eh?

9:25 AM  
Blogger Murphy said...

Yes, all part of his alluring murderous charm!

9:38 AM  

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